Experience Design for Engaging Digital Products

Since 2006 I've built engaging, interactive, and easy to use consumer and technology-focused products – across mobile, web, VR/AR, and AI-powered software and hardware. I love finding creative ways to solve complex problems in new and nascent spaces, utilizing human-centered design & technology.

Case Studies

Much of my current work I can't share due to privacy restrictions, but here are a few examples of impactful products I've led. For more information on my experience, check out my about page or resume.

Motional Interior Display
Motional / Self-Driving Car Rider Experience

Strategy, UX, UI, Research, Prototyping

Motional Command Center
Motional / Real-time Fleet Monitoring

Team Leadership (Director), Research, Strategy, UX, UI

Luminipia One™
Luminopia One™, Digital Lazy Eye Therapeutic

Research, Strategy, UX, UI, Prototyping (Founding Designer)

Luminipia Wonder iPad App
Luminopia / Pediatric Anxiety Treatment

Research, Strategy, UX, UI, Prototyping (Founding Designer)

Luminopia Deep Breathing Guide
Luminopia / Deep Breathing Guide

Research, Strategy, UX, UI, Prototyping, Animation

Olympus Medical VR Experience
Olympus / New Product Launch (2016)

Strategy, UX, UI, VR Design

Meet Mini Z Product Marketing
Meet MINI Z / New Product Launch (2014)

Strategy, UX, UI, Creative Development

White Rhino Addictive Health - Product Marketing
White Rhino / Product Marketing (2015)

UX, UI, Front-End Development